Theater Bartlesville proudly presents a funny, intelligent, and moving classic American play, Our Town, featuring Bartleville’s own talented local cast and crew.
Stage Manager played by: Jason Elmore
Guest Director: Shelby Brammer
April 10 only: We offer an optional pre-show dinner (for additional cost) at Weeze’s Café, a short walk from the theater. Dinner includes fried chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans or corn, okra, salad or roll, tea or coffee, and cobbler.
Thornton Wilders’ Our Town chronicles everyday life in an American small town in the early 1900’s. This Pulitzer Prize winning three-act play uses no sets and very few props, relying on the actors to mime many of their actions. Featuring a Stage Manager who addresses the audience directly and even fills in some minor roles, this classic drama debuted in 1938.
"So I’m going to have a copy of this play put in the cornerstone and the people a thousand years from now’ll know a few simple facts about us – … This is the way we were: in our growing up and in our marrying and in our living and in our dying." –Stage Manager
312 S Dewey Ave
Bartlesville, OK 74003
Theater Bartlesville
312 S Dewey Ave
Bartlesville, OK 74003